censorship, and parental rights. this has oversight in reformed some committee just over two hours. hey, good morning everybody. welcome to today s remote hearing. we are in hybrid form today. pursuing the house rules. some members will appear remotely via zoom. i know you all know zoom by now. a few points, first. you have been using active view for the hybrids. this will still work. grid view gives you a better overall perspective. second, we have a timer visible on your screen. members who want to pin the timer to the screen should ask committee staff for help, if they need it. third, the house rules require that we see you. please have your cameras turned on. this is at all times during the hearing. fourth, members appearing remotely who are not recognized remained muted to minimize background noise from dogs, tv, honking cars, and all that. fifth, you can see recognition from the chair, verbally, or by chat, or by email with the staff. i will recognize members in seniori