A Toast To 40: Opening Remarks At The SEC Small Business Forum, Martha Miller, Advocate For Small Business Capital Formation, May 24, 2021 Date
Good afternoon, everyone. Whether this is your first Small Business Forum or fortieth, I want to thank you for joining us today and over the course of the week. Planning any 40th event whether a birthday, anniversary, or work milestone engenders an element of nostalgia. If this were a birthday party, we might have a slideshow of childhood pictures and play top hits from the year of birth. In planning for this year’s 40th Small Business Forum, our team couldn’t help but think about the original Forum in 1982 and the events that precipitated it. So please humor me today as I paint the picture of then and now, photos and all. The good news for you: unlike a birthday party toast, this one will not trail on and on, leaving you wondering which cousin will take the mic from the loquacious uncle.