Multiple city employees said this week that the mayor’s proposal to give Richmond city employees the right to collectively bargain is too restrictive compared to one advanced by several City Council members.
Meanwhile, a spokesperson for Mayor Levar Stoney's Office called the transition "not remarkable" or "unexpected." Spokesperson Jim Nolan said the mayor wanted to allow the city to "take a breath" before proceeding, noting the pedestals were only completely removed a few weeks ago.
Former Governor Ralph Northam announced in 2020 the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts would be in charge of "reimagining Monument Avenue" following the removal of Richmond's Confederate statues.
Former Governor Ralph Northam announced in 2020 the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts would be in charge of "reimagining Monument Avenue" following the removal of Richmond's Confederate statues.
A spokesperson for the museum, Amy Peck, said it hasn't been involved since December. The move was never widely community to the public, even after the VMFA spent more than $100,000 taxpayer dollars to develop a timeline and plan for the redesign efforts.