SEYMOUR – A retired Metro-North manager with a long history of public service was officially endorsed by town Democrats to run for First Selectman. Phil…
SEYMOUR — School Superintendent Susan Compton shared a draft job description for director of curriculum and instruction with the Board of Education at its meeting on Monday, January 9.
SEYMOUR — The Board of Education agreed to grant the superintendent authority to reinstate a mask mandate if Covid numbers increase and took no action to enact a district mask
During the first workshop, Police Chief Paul Satkowski presented the 2021-22 police budget.
He began his presentation by noting the importance of access to proper equipment as the Police Department faces unprecedented challenges in its charge to serve the public, thanking the town officials and residents for their support.
The budget covers 41 full-time officers, two part-time patrol officers, two crossing guards, one administrative, one records clerk and one parking attendant.
Chief Satkowski noted that increases were due to salary changes due to contractual obligations and mandates such as the recently passed Police Accountability and Transparency Bill.
Chair Bill Sawicki asked for detailed expenses from that new legislation, which requires equipment such as dashboard and body cameras for police cars and officers, estimated at $150,000 to $200,000.
SEYMOUR — The Board of Education, meeting Monday, January 11, approved the 2021-22 school calendar, which provides 182 days of education for students and 185 days of work for staff.