Plitidepsin was 27.5-fold more potent against SARS-CoV-2 than remdesivir, a drug that received FDA emergency use authorization in 2020 for the treatment.
UCSF QBI and Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Scientists Report New Preclinical Data Published in Science on Potential Best-in-Class COVID-19 Anti-Viral Treatment: Plitidepsin
January 25, 2021 14:00 ET | Source: Quantitative Biosciences Institute Quantitative Biosciences Institute
First studies reported on antiviral drug effects against new variant mutant “U.K.” strain of SARS-CoV-2
Plitidepsin shows potent anti-viral effect in preclinical models of original SARS-CoV-2 as well as the new mutant U.K. strain, and by inhibiting a key host protein, has the potential to have antiviral activity against other future mutations and viruses
Drug targets the biologic pathway prospectively identified and published in
First studies reported on antiviral drug effects against new variant mutant U.K. strain of SARS-CoV-2
Plitidepsin shows potent anti-viral effect in preclinical models of original SARS-CoV-2 as well as the new mutant U.K. strain, and by inhibiting a key host protein, has the potential to have antiviral activity against other future mutations and viruses
Drug targets the biologic pathway prospectively identified and published in
Nature months ago from QBI research on SARS CoV-2 which elucidated host proteins and pathways that fuel the survival and virulence of the virus
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 25, 2021today, scientists at UCSF QBI and the Department of Microbiology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, the researchers, in collaboration with Greg Towers and Clare Jolly at University College London in London, England, shared additional
Fire fighters in an area district have responded to a record number of calls in 2020 so far.
According to the Mayview Fire Protection District, as of Monday, December 14, fire fighters had been dispatched to 135 calls for service during the calendar year.
In 2019, MFPD responded to approximately 90 calls. In 2018, it was around 80 calls. Prior to that, it was an average of less than 60 calls per year.
From structure fires to motor-vehicle accidents to EMS assists and everything in between, the dedicated volunteers have answered more calls than ever before.
Members include: Chief- Kris White; Assistant Chief – Jeff Ryun; Captains – Chris Liles and William Soendker; Fire Fighters – Travis Fricke, Jake Hayward, Emmet Cox, Tim Wright, Kenny Fiegenbaum, Warren Hawthorne and Corbin Ryun; and Junior Fire Fighters – Allen Pierce, Trever Johnston and Daniel Duncan.