As the U.S. faces nationwide flight delays, one must ask if there are processes in place for the FAA to deal with them. “Trust the process” is a common thing to hear, but attorney Brian Levy reminds us of why process is important in the actions of government in light of the FHFA’s rescinded DTI pricing. The CFPB knows a thing or two about the process, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued an order against Nebraska’s ACI Worldwide and one of its subsidiaries, ACI Payments, for improperly initiating approximately $2.3 billion in unlawful mortgage payment transactions. ACI’s data handling practices negatively impacted nearly 500,000 homeowners with mortgages serviced by Mr. Cooper (formerly known as Nationstar). “By unlawfully processing erroneous and unauthorized transactions, ACI opened homeowners to overdraft and insufficient funds fees from their financial institutions. Today’s order requires ACI, among other things, to pa