the government spokesman today. translator: that does not mean that we are confirming or denying it but just that we generally do not talk about such matters in public. fred pleitgen joins us. have the russians said anything about a possible krasikov swap for whelan? i was texting earlier today with vladimir putin s spokesman, and he told me that he s absolutely not going to comment on the matter. i asked him straightforward, are you guys still that interested in krasikov, or are you willing to move another direction? he said he believes all of these types of negotiations need to happen in absolute silence to give him a chance to actually succeed. however of course anderson, we have heard from vladimir putin that he does believe that exchanges are possible between the u.s. and russia in the future, just not clear whether or not krasikov is still part of russia s equation. is it clear why there was interest by russia at least at one point on this particular
of german government. i muted response when i asked the government spokesman today. translator: that does not mean that we are confirming or denying. but that we generally do not talk about such matters in public. fred pleitgen joins. i have a said anything about a krasikov swap with we lead? yeah, i was texting anderson earlier today with vladimir putin s spokesperson. and he told me that he s absolutely not gonna comment on the matter. i asked a straightforward, are you guys still that interested in krasikov, are you willing to move in other directions. he said he believes all of these negotiations need to happen absolute silence to get the mechanics to succeed. however, we have heard from vladimir