bring in cnn legal analyst paul callan and hln legal analyst joey jackson. can khloe, the legal situation she s in with her husband, actually make an end of life decision for this man? i think this is this is the thing that everybody wants to know. it really depends on that divorce situation in california. they agreed to get divorced. they signed the divorce papers. but the final order issued why the judge hasn t been filed in california. so she remains the spouse. and the spouse generally has the right to decide for the husband unless of course and joey will talk about this, there s an advanced directive or a health care proxy in place. what ends up happening is certainly there s an hierarchy in terms of what decisionings are made. before getting further into this, may he get better, may he be better. certainly our thoughts and prayers are with him. what ends up happening is the wife certainly would call the shots. and then there s a higher kraeshg hierarchy, it would be adult c