With their "NewJeans" debut EP, HYBE's new girl group has achieved the highest number of streams, cumulative listeners, and cumulative followers on Spotify among the K-pop girl groups that debuted in 2022.
#NewJeans #NWJNS #뉴진스 #NewJeans Attention #NewJeans HypeBoy #NewJeans Cookie #NewJeans Hurt
Key's past remarks about SHINee's pre-debut concept― which is completely different from their current one― is drawing attention once again. Keep on reading to know what he revealed on "Keyword BoA."
#SHINee #샤이니 #SHINeeKey #SHINee Key #SHINee Replay #BoA #KeywordBoA #SMEntertainment #SMTOWN
NewJeans Hyein and a webtoon character were recently compared to each other due to their similar features. Know more in the article below.
#NewJeans #뉴진스 #Hyein #NewJeansHyein #NewJeans Fansong #NewJeans Cookie #NewJeans 1st EP
NewJeans has just set a new record for the highest stock pre-orders of any K-pop girl group debut album in history. Congratulations to HYBE's new girl group!
#NewJeans #뉴진스 #NWJNS #HYBE #ADOR #kpopgirlgroup #newgirlgroup #newkpopgroup #kpopdebut #debutalbum #preorder
An alleged friend of NewJeans Haerin recently spoke up about the rookie idol's real personality on a popular online community. Find out what her "friend" said in the article below.
#NewJeans #뉴진스 #NewJeanskpop #NewJeansHaerin #HAERIN #해린 #HYBE #HYBEnewgirlgroup #ADOR #adornewgirlgroup #newgirlgroup #newkpopgroup #girlgroupdebut #kpopdebut #rookieidol