Speaking to India Today, NCB's independent witness KP Gosavi said he never met Sameer Wankhede before the October 2 raid. Gosavi also said that he will record his statement at the NCB office in Mumbai before surrendering to Pune Police in connection with a 2018 cheating case.
NCB officer Sameer Wankhede - linked to a Rs 8 crore payoff - and KP Gosavi - the agency's 'independent witness' whose unfettered access to Aryan has raised questions - can be seen in pictures that seem to strengthen critics' claims.
The images show Sameer Wankhede and KP Gosavi in a room along with those detained after the NCB raided a passenger cruise ship off the coast of Mumbai.
Aryan Khan case: NCB alleges Shah Rukh Khan’s manager Pooja Dadlani influenced witness - The Bombay High Court is hearing the bail pleas of Aryan Khan and two other accused, Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha.