Air Customs Intelligence officials have seized 3.5 kg of gold worth around Rs 2 crore, which was tried to be smuggled through Kozhikode Airport in Karirpur on Thursday night in four different cases.
Air Customs Intelligence officials have seized 3.5 kg of gold worth around Rs 2 crore, which was tried to be smuggled through Kozhikode Airport in Karirpur on Thursday night in four different cases.
Air Customs Intelligence officials have seized 3.5 kg of gold worth around Rs 2 crore, which was tried to be smuggled through Kozhikode Airport in Karirpur on Thursday night in four different cases.
The flights from Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, and Doha have been diverted considering the heavy rainfall red signal alert from India Meteorological Department for 8 districts in Kerala.
The 30-acre Integrated Clinical Wellness Complex in Kozhikode will be built using modern, sustainable technology, ensuring a positive impact on the community. KOZHIKODE, India, April