the australian has another headline, and it really refers to the progress the u.s. has made in afghanistan. and says this is a tragic setback for a just cause. it goes on to say the barbaric slaughter of u.n. workers by a rampaging mob inflamed by the burning of the koran in a fringe church in faraway florida is a tragic reminder that the challenges of afghanistan remain largely undiminished. carol? so, zain, president obama came out, general petraeus came out and condemned this action. i mean, is there anything more they can do or anything hamid karzai can do, for that matter, to end this trouble? well, you know, from the u.s. s side, it s a step in the right direction. they had to say that. they needed to say it, and they meant what they said because it really does create a very bad impact in afghanistan and in other parts of the world to have the image of the koran being burned. but i think that what many people will want to see, the ones that are protesting, is some kind of a