Creston resident Allan Mather has won a $15,000 Marlon Boat package from Jones Boys Boats of Woodbury, B.C., the Grand Prize awarded annually by the Kootenay Lake Angler Incentive Program. The latest winner of the $1,000 monthly prize draw, Scott Girdwood of Kaslo, was also announced. Mather is a retired farmer and passionate angler who fishes almost weekly with friends in a
Since the mid-2000’s, the collapse of the Kootenay Lake fishery has been apparent, and well documented. Prior to 2012, the Meadow Creek spawning channel has supported an average of 67.7 million kokanee eggs and an average of 693,000 spawners. Since then, egg numbers have only averaged 7.7 million and spawner numbers have fallen to an average of 28,000. The end result is too
The survival solution to the lagging kokanee species in Kootenay Lake won’t be simply solved by increasing the re-stock number of eggs, says a provincial aquatic specialist. Will Warnock with the B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources (FLNR) said re-stocking of a collapsed fish species like the kokanee is very necessary in keeping them strong, but it always