See all Gong Li's marriages, divorces, hookups, break ups, affairs, and dating relationships plus celebrity photos, latest Gong Li news, gossip, and biography. Gong Li is currently married to Jean Michel Jarre. She has been in three celebrity relationships averaging approximately 10.1 years each. Her two marriages have averaged 9.7 years each.
Songsong Island in Kedah is set to undergo upgrading works to turn it into a world-class tourism attraction. Bernama
Its beautiful and pristine nature makes Songsong Island in Kedah one of the destinations Tourism Malaysia will be putting more focus on to spur tourism activities.
Realising the potential of the small uninhabited island, Kedah Tourism manager Nor Azlan Fitri Abd Razak said Tourism Malaysia will work together with the Yan District Council (MDY) to upgrade the facilities there.
“We will carry out upgrading works on basic facilities such as toilets and surau at Songsong Island soon. These are expected to be completed by year’s end.