GC Moves Toward Net Zero Target by Venture Capital Investment in ECONIC, Developer of Catalyst Technologies for Carbon-to-Value Creation for Sustainable Polymer Production
GC continually seeks new business opportunities through the corporate venture capital and invests in advanced technology and startups. This investment moves GC.
GC continually seeks new business opportunities through the corporate venture capital and invests in advanced technology and startups. This investment moves GC.
GC continually seeks new business opportunities through the corporate venture capital and invests in advanced technology and startups. This investment moves GC toward to state of art technology
The ‘best before’ date of the green world is long gone. Plastic is judged by global citizens as the world’s worst disruptive element in environmental co-existence. However, it is plastic that propels the world forward and it is impossible to return to nature and rely on it alone to survive and prosper through the megatrends.