Keola Beamer
Ku u Lei Awapuhi [Vocal Version]
Shaka Slack Key [Instrumental] - Keola Beamer, Beamer, Keola
Maika i Ka Makani O Kohala (How Fine the Wind of Kohala) [Vocal Version
The Beauty of Mauna Kea [Vocal Version] - Keola Beamer, Beamer, Keola
Pele Trilogy [Vocal Version]
He Wahine Hololio [Vocal Version]
Blue Water Dolphin [Instrumental]
Ipo Lei Manu/He eia [Vocal Version]
Honolulu City Lights [Vocal Version] - Keola Beamer, Beamer, Keola
Ka Makani Ka ili Aloha [Vocal Version]
Pianist George Winston has been unearthing a Hawaiian music that goes deeper than the resort-hotel image of ukulele songs, hula dancers, and Don Ho. In particular, he s enchanted with the sound of the slack-key guitar, a f.