Maharashtra Covid-19 cases remained above the 40,000-mark but its variant Omicron infections shot above 1,000 as the state entered into an era of night curfew, besides extending closure of all schools till February 15, health officials said here on Saturday.
Maharashtras single-day Covid-19 caseload shot above the 40,000-mark on Friday though no new case of the Omicron variant was reported for the day, taking the states overall Covid tally past the 68 lakh-mark, health officials said.For the 11th .
Maharashtras single-day Covid-19 caseload shot above the 40,000-mark on Friday though no new case of the Omicron variant was reported for the day, taking the states overall Covid tally past the 68 lakh-mark, health officials said.
Maharashtra: Daily COVID-19 cases cross 40K, no Omicron case reported - After recording 79 Omicron infections on Thursday, the state logged no fresh cases of the variant on Friday.
Maharashtra continued to shock as Covid-19 cases shot above the 36,000-mark though its Omicron variant dropped below 100, while fatalities again jumped to double-digit figures, health officials said here on Thursday.For the 10th consecutive .