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Marvin W. Berkowitz of UMSL presented Epstein Hebrew Academy Academic Principal Itta Boyko and Judaic studies curriculum coordinator Shiffy Landa certificates marking the completion of the first year of the Character Education for Emerging Leaders program.
Photo: August Jennewein
What if a requirement of receiving any kind of government assistance was a complete vaccination record?
There would be issues of access, equity and coercion, but it’s actually not so far from a real California law that was vetoed in 2019. It’s also a useful thought experiment in understanding a moment in Joseph’s use of power at the time of the famine in Egypt.
In Parashat Miketz, the seven good years of Pharaoh’s dreams have passed and we are now in the seven lean years. The country is in the midst of a famine, but thanks to the foresight of Joseph’s dream, grain has been stashed away. When the people criy out for bread, they are told to go see Joseph. “Whatever he tells you, you shall do,” Pharaoh tells them. (Genesis 41:55)