Koimoi Recommends The Trader (Sovdagari): A Town Where Potato Is Currency & Dreams Are Crushed By Poverty
Watch The Trader (Sovdagari) on Netflix and discover a land yet to understand globalisation and it isn’t a tale of the yore.
Koimoi Recommends Tamta Gabrichidze’s The Trader ( Photo Credit – Still )
Potato, think of every possible recipe or ways you can use this boon of a vegetable for. Now think, can ever be a currency for you? Imagine going to a store and buying a scarf for 5 Kgs of potato. No, wait, I’m not narrating any episode from a period drama or Arabian Nights; this is a reality people in a remote town of the Republic Of Georgia are living right now. Today on Koimoi Recommends, I recommend you The Trader on Netflix.