Half of the first language speakers of Kodiak Alutiiq died between 2020 and 2022. But that’s not stopping new speakers from learning the language and passing along a distinct culture and worldview to the next generations.
Staff from the Sun’aq Tribe, the Alutiiq Museum, the Kodiak Alutiiq dancers gathered with community members at the Kodiak City Cemetery to oversee the burial of four Alutiiq people whose
With the help of the U.S. Army, Ted Ashouwak of Bowdoinham, will repatriate his long-lost great aunt, who was forced into a boarding school in 1901, to her home in Kodiak, Alaska.
With the help of the U.S. Army, Ted Ashouwak of Bowdoinham, will repatriate his long-lost great aunt, who was forced into a boarding school in 1901, to her home in Kodiak, Alaska.