A Kerala court has granted police 10-day custody of the lone accused in the Kochi bomb blast case, Dominic Martin. The blast occurred during a Jehovah s Witnesses prayer meeting, resulting in four deaths and 50 injuries. The accused has declined legal aid, and multiple charges, including sections of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA), have been invoked against him.
The prime suspect of the Kerala serial blast claims that he learnt bomb-making from the internet and used low-cost IEDs. Know how a common man pulled a deadly stunt.
Kochi, Oct 30 (PTI) Police on Monday formally recorded the arrest of the man who claimed responsibility for the bomb blasts at a Christian religious gathering in Kerala on Sunday that killed three persons and injured over 50 people.
Kalamassery Bomb Blast News | Kerala Convention Center Blast Live: At least one person died, and 36 others were injured after multiple explosions rocked a prayer meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Kalamassery area of Kerala's Kochi on Sunday morning. Over 2,000 people were attending the prayer meeting when the blasts took place and more on TOI