The political unrest in Israel and the impending changes to the legal system are beginning to worry investors and companies abroad. Until the picture becomes clearer, some of them are already holding back investments
Singer becomes first Israeli celebrity to publicly join the trend that swept Hollywood after bidding adieu to hundreds of thousands of dollars for his own Bored Ape Yacht Club token
Defense chief says 'time has come to enshrine individual equality into Basic Law' in a move that could put him on a collision course with PM Bennett and his nationalist Yamina party
Meet the 'sharpies'!; they're outstandingly talented, they work at start-ups, leading high-tech companies and earning monthly salaries of 10-20 thousand shekels ($3-6000) – and they're still in high school
Michaeli says 'it's a challenging moment' for unwieldy coalition after losing majority in Knesset which greatly complicates government's ability to pass legislation and raises risk of plunging the country into snap elections