hundred fifty six thousand dollars a year, got twenty three royalty payments for fauci, says he donatesol the royalties to charity. and dr. francis collins, who made more than two hundred thousand dollars a year, got 14 payments. in case you re wondering, royalty payments to nih are w legal, orwhich begs the question why are they working so hard to keep the information from going public? laura , fascinating. thank you . now joining me now is adamancy ceo and founder of open the books .com, which broket the story. adam, nowwa it was a battle for you too even get this information if it s all legal, no appearance of any conflict and why? well, laura , it s been a knockdown drag outus battle just to get the information that we have received lately. ed so here s what the record shows. one , we filed a freedom of information request eight months ago and they ignored it. they didn t even respond to our
A total deployment ban to Ukraine is "forthcoming" amid Russia's military action there, the head of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) said Friday.
Overseas Filipino workers in Ukraine can opt for re-employment or livelihood assistance when they decide to come home, Overseas Workers Welfare Administration said yesterday.