chinatown and dc, and even more boxes at the universitys f pennsylvania, and documents strewn all over his garage floo rkr where he parks his corvette and which is secured by only a garageor door that. is paper thin and open. most of the timeump also. trump also said he has been summoned to appear at the federal courthouse iurthousn miami, florida, next tuesday. another quot ie i never thought it was possible that such a thing could happen to a former unite president of the ud states. i am an innocent mann innoce, hd this is indeed a dark da sy forf the united states of america. matthew whitaker is the former acting attorney generaorney gelr former president trump. he joins me now with reaction. first first of all, just your in reaction to what the formet jur president just said. this is a dark day for this nation. yeahs, harris, good to be with you. it s a really sad day for our countrd da y. i mean, if you believe ine the rule of law and if you believe in equal justice
acting attorney general under the formerthnt president who s n indicted tonight, thank you very much. i want to brin. to brining in now victore hoov davis hanson from the hoover institution. mattheerw whitaker just w said something that i want to start with. he said that, you knowound whate found out about the fbi investigation into president trump was a hoax, but it was worse than that, victor. what we foun d out was that they had been politicized, weaponizing things against f thi former president from the top levels of the fbi. your thought s? ris. that s exactly right, harrison. cl was even worse thane than tht because we now know that hillary clinton hired a foreigrh national, which is a it s a felony to work in a campaign . and she hid those payments to christopher steele through the dnc. perkins, cody and fusion gps. and she destroyed materialsd that were under subpoena and that there was not the fbiee reaction at all. we knothw thatat james comey the knew that the dossier was