Aleksandrovna kosheleva. Nikita mishakov, gymnasium of the city of budakosheleva , english teacher, yana gennadievna fambrikova. Ksenia uvarova, gymnasium number 56 of the city of gomel named after vishnevsky, class teacherenglish teacher natalya leonidovnaladinskaya. Sergei proborshch. Subbotninskaya secondary School Geography teacher denis aleksandrovich kurilov. Secondary School Number 49 in minsk, class teacher and labor Education Teacher Anna Vladimirovna ezerskaya. Egor karlovich gymnasium of the city of kletsk, class teacher, teacher of belarusian language and literature, zhanna aleksandrovna makretskaya. Victoria tatarzhin. Dolginovskaya secondary school named after slobodchikov. And Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, teacher of russian language and literature Anna Stanislavovna tarasova. Margarita mardvinova timkovichi secondary school named after kuzma cherny, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Natalya Nikolaevna prokhorova. Jaana baranova secondary School Number 44 in t
, 20 people have already contacted the police and the complaint continues to be received. The total amount of damage is 28,000 rubles. After communicating with the administrator , they agreed to make a 100 advance payment for the goods. Mil residents transferred large sums to the sellers personal bank card, details that they received through personal messages, as soon as the buyer transferred all the money to the store , the correspondence was downloaded, criminal cases were opened for fraud, the police recalled the prices set for quality goods. It cannot be several times lower than the market price. Experienced one war and the soviet period , but 4 years ago a fire almost completely destroyed the church of demetrius of thessaloniki in the village of lelikovokobrin district. The historical and cultural value of our country and for the locals the most revered place to cross out the temple and their lives. They didnt even allow elements and went their way to recovery about the strength o
Hi everybody. We are going to get stashted. I think everybody is still trying to find the room. So just a couple House Keeping things if you are tweeting, please use the ewa 17. Everything here is on the record. Remember to use the signin sheet. It is right here. I think. Shall i pass it . I will pass it down. I am going to hand that to you. Okay. Yes, sign the signin sheet. Were here today to talk about the every Student Succeeds act and the state. My name is caitlin emma. We are going to talk about this law that passed in 2015 that replaced no child left behind and sort of where states are at right now. So we are going to talk about that today. So to bring you up to speed, there are two submission windows for states to send in their plans under this new law for Holding Schools accountable, for how they plan to intervene in schools, and how they plan to intervene in groups of students who are consistently under performing. 16 states in d. C. Have submitted for the spring window. And a
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to barnes noble tribeca. Have the pleasure of introducing Heather Cabot and samantha wall ravens has the discuss their new book, geek girl rising. Heather is a form abc news correspondent, angel investor, adjunct professor at columbia university, and a woman at forbes contributor. Samantha walrevens, contributor forbes, and Huffington Post and disney interactive. So join me in walking can welcoming them. This is a superexciting moment for us because, first of all, were in the same city, which we rarely are because i him new york and sam lives in san francisco, but this is the evening before geek girl rising comes out. So its a special moment for us and to kick things off just to give you a taste of the book well show you a book trailer. Lets roll the video. I think that women now understand, we are not going to get ahead unless we help each other to get ahead. I have a female manager and she is the one who handpicked me and advocates for me a
Please ms. Casco. Mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase thank you ms. Norton mr. Sanchez mr. Walton ms. Ing thank you. Thank you. Please join me for pledge of allegiance for pledge of allegiance to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you it is good to see everyone here in attention this evening we will have a packed agenda well hear if our public first item a approval of the minutes from the regular Board Meeting from january 10th. I move adoption of the minutes. Thank you roll call please. Thank you ms. Ing on the minutes mr. Cook mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez thank you and mr. Walton thank you 5 is. Thank you ms. Casco has been jounsz or announces members of the public are remind if he with wish to address the board of education an valid can complete and speaker card and presented it to the which you have been assistant speaker cards will not be accepted to be an i