President omotalde x item on the agenda clerk quick announcement at the use of cell phones pagers is on producing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised the chairman made order the removal of the minimum any person responsible for use of cell phone pager or other similar sound producing Electronic Devices. Note to the public, theres an opportunity for Public Comment both after each item and in general Public Comment for items not on the agenda. There are a limited number of speaking cards at the table. You may complete a speaking card and handed to me and i will pass it on to the president for you to be called up. You do not need to complete a speaker card to speak during Public Comment and you may also speak anonymously. So, if we do run out of speaker cards, dont worry. Youll still be able to speak during Public Comment. With that item to approval of minutes of march 22, 2016 commission on the environment regular meeting from these predatory documents ar
About the league of nations, the thought is ive heard he was so intransient. Not willing to accept some of the reservations that some of the senators wanted. Im wondered if you can reflect on that. For miss goodwin. Thank you. Im reading it now and its incredible. Thank you. I was wondering its such a big question that choose whatever part you like. Either comparison between tr and fdr, similarlities, disalready similarities. Reflections give that yesterday was the 50th anniversary of killing of kennedy. How in the world do we get to Campaign Finance reform . , ii mean, everyone is so disheartened about the road where we are. What do you see in the future . Thank you thatch. I dont think it was in my job discrepancies to answer that question. I heard something about the league of nations in there somewhere. [laughter] which wilson wanted to have pass so we might have fought the war to end all wars. And wilson was intransigent. I think for a couple of reasons, one of which he was a stub
Our ideas are best understood as jean mike means for which the most important iteration is not true, but adaptive fitness is the best way to understand our social behavior attacking itg, the self fishing, the violence she come the altruism gene, the compassion gene, romance gene. These are real things either way. Google them. Most importantly, whether the narrow scientists are correct about all this or not come one of the social and political consequences of believing they are correct or nearly so. So are they to ask him in whose interests keep these provocateurs write and to amend . They would like us to think that their only interest is the establishment of knowledge, but i will suggest the claims are based upon assumptions many of which are dubious in the kind of political Culture Solutions support is lamentable. They are lamentable because it is too late. Authority here and well established. One thing that can be safely said that these are not entirely new. Nevermind the fact they
Im going to turn it right over to curtis. Im a longtime admirer of curtis white. Published in harpers magazine and on the Editorial Advisory Board is a quarterly and they turned to him for wisdom in darkness which often comes over me and im going to let him begin by explaining. You want him to talk as much as possible and so you can set up the premise of the book and then i have a few stray questions that i will ask you if the silence falls. Well, from what i can tell so far one of the things that people out there whoever they are, readers, journalists, want to know was why i decided to write this book. Im a novelist and not a Science Writer and the answer to that question is familiar for me but curious probably for everybody else. [laughter] i just had to turn it off. Sorry, okay. As has happened more than once in my writing lifetime i was driving in the car, listening to npr and i just happened to hear a think it was on fresh air for those of you who know my book the middle mind. You
Richard white and gordon wood put out by American Heritage called great minds of history. Thank you very much. Guest its a pleasure, brian. At 10 00 eastern after words. An interview. He taunts in the balance we wrap up the prime time programming at 1eb p. M. Eastern with rocket girl. Americas first female rocket scientist. This is booktv. Org for more of the television schedule. Next curtis white argues authors are misguided in their faith and science will vently provide all the answers we have regarding the nature of human beings and the physical world. He says that the religion versus sentence debate left out the role that philosophy, art, and culture have historically played in shaping the way we understand the world. Mr. White is in conversation with former editor of harpers magazine. Is an hour. Im going turn it over to kurt ties. Im a long time admirer. Now an editorial advisory board. And i turn to him for wisdom in the darkness when often comes over me. Im going to let him beg