Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) has been asked by the Gauhati High Court for information regarding the status of significant development projects started after its constitution on February 10,.
that might happen. but i want to give them a chance to see if they can act responsibly. they should act responsible reply. we are talking about the border. a lot of people who aren t getting their checks are letting us know, we don t care, you have to solve the crisis at the border. it s a humanitarian crisis and it s national security it s very important. judge jeanine: he wanted to give them a chance to act responsibly. and we commend him for that. but now here we are. joining me with reaction to my opening statement and all the news. chairman of the freedom caucus. congressman mark meadows. there are so many people against this knowledge declaration, yet it seems that the united states supreme court and the precedent is there, the delegation is there from congress. and he has his own powers.
that might happen. but i want to give them a chance to see if they can act responsibly. they should act responsible reply. we are talking about the border. a lot of people who aren t getting their checks are letting us know, we don t care, you have to solve the crisis at the border. it s a humanitarian crisis and it s national security it s very important. judge jeanine: he wanted to give them a chance to act responsibly. and we commend him for that. but now here we are. joining me with reaction to my opening statement and all the news. chairman of the freedom caucus. congressman mark meadows. there are so many people against this knowledge declaration, yet it seems that the united states supreme court and the precedent is there, the delegation is there from congress. and he has his own powers.
that might happen. but i want to give them a chance to see if they can act responsibly. they should act responsible reply. we are talking about the border. a lot of people who aren t getting their checks are letting us know, we don t care, you have to solve the crisis at the border. it s a humanitarian crisis and it s national security it s very important. judge jeanine: he wanted to give them a chance to act responsibly. and we commend him for that. but now here we are. joining me with reaction to my opening statement and all the news. chairman of the freedom caucus. congressman mark meadows. there are so many people against this knowledge declaration, yet it seems that the united states supreme court and the precedent is there, the delegation is there from congress. and he has his own powers.