judiciary committee has done.the i think her quibble is really more with the messaging than with the strategy. that said, the spectacle of the divisions within the party has become very damaging and i think that s what s ticking her off. the more nadler goes on tv and interviews and opening statements in his committee and says we are in an impeachment investigation, the less people are going to listen to her when she says we don t know where this goes, we re just doing our job trying to investigate and oversee what the president does. it also puts people back into their polarized corners, which is the world we live in. if you believe they re trying to impeach the president and you re a trump supporter, you re mad, you re not listening to what corey lewandowski says on the record. yes, the president called me and said, hey, get jeff sessions to move on the special counsel. that s a big deal. that is potentially obstruction of justice.
first and come back to corey lewandowski. we ve known for some time she thinks don t put this cart out in front of the horse, the senate s not going to do anything, even if we have a case for impeachment, it s risky for us in 2020. she s now in meetings being critical of the chairman and his staff. what does that tell us? the staff part is really important here, because nancy pelosi, if you re a duly elected member, if you are one of the 435, she knows you re important. you are a vote. if you are staff, you re staff. she once looked at the omb negotiations correct me if i got it wrong, i think her exact words were, and what s your a ? so staff should be staff. this is one of the most critical decisions the house of representatives can make, impeaching the president or not.
it s certainly a president of the united states asking a private citizen to do something a private citizen should have no role in doing. but it gets lost when you re in your corner. another thing corey lewandowski made clear, telling members of the congress, yeah, i lie to the media, which is lying to you, the american public. he said, no big deal. the question is are you a truth teller in that interview? i m a truth teller every time i stand before congress or a committee of jurisdiction and raise my hand and swear to god under oath. my question, sir, when you said the president never asked you to get involved with mr. sessions i have no obligation to have a candid conversation with the media, just like they have no obligation to cover me honestly. i think we all know corey lewandowski feel this s this wa given the way he talks to the media. the talk of impeachment, with the details of the mueller report, if you talktoswing voters, they don t really
his judiciary committee staff. in that meeting pelosi complained nadler and his staff keep talking about impeachment as the likely result of their investigations, which she sees as putting the party at risk for a 2020 defeat. sources tell cnn pelosi repeated a version of that this morning, that pelosi would make clear that she doesn t want her remarks to stay secret underscores just how mad she is. former trump campaign manager corey lewandowski gave little new information at tuesday s hearing but he did offer this key bit of mueller report confirmation. that s what he wanted you to deliver to attorney general jeff sessions, correct? i believe so that s an accurate representation. and he wanted you to deliver it to jeff so that jeff could say it to the people, right? i believe so. let s do the speaker s anger
her rifvals. new wrinkles in the house democratic family feud over impeachment, this as corey lewandowski tells confidenants there s nothing wrong with lying and gets schooled. you confirmed you were asked to obstruct justice. no. that s not what i confirmed at all. by the way, the mueller report was very clear. there was no collusion, there was no obstruction. that s not what the mueller report said. it absolutely says that. timeout. did you read the mueller report? no, i never did. wow. you want us to believe your book report, you should probably read the book. we begin the hour with new evidence from the saudis. fresh sanctions on iran and a timely appointment at the trump white house. the saudi defense ministry today unveiling what they say are iranian weapons used in the attacks on those saudi oil facilities over the weekend.