were about two percent ocivifl a the american population gave bat their lives in battle, was extremely tense and complicated. elyfor decades afterwards, allowed - confederates were not even allowed to , not evens the familieswe were allowed to attend the graves of those who were fallen. but america actually gotica got through what most countriesun never get through. they got through a civil wartri. end and 30 years later and they end up fighting side by side in the spanish american war that mutual affection was rekindlede and there was a softening ofofop hearts and peoplle whoe who hadn fought on both sides reachedg out to each other and said, we re going to try to comeliati. together and build something to reconciliation, not the people who builtuilt us . c. the daughters ofa single the confederacy know that this was not a perfect country, not a single of them one of them cot vote at that period. there were still a lot of problems we had to get through . esset coming together in thay
that the others were being goofed on or what? what is it?s it or. no, apparently not.t, tha that was the twist that the contest into are your children. i mean, this is basically mommte and me and her cosmetically altered friend targeting one another. smeticallet me tell you, this i badlnd really badly or somebody is going to get hurt here because each of these women, the war is really in their heads. tiger are they going to be cougars or tiger moms? that s? the final choice they ra going to have to make here. i don t know.t ey they re watching a their kidres being preyed on by these other women. i mean, this is the sickesten ad show i think i ve ever seen. i and it shows you where the culture now, sadly, reality theyramen, ramen, are they going to do old man with young women? are they going to do that?h one , too? is it only the other wayr around? you know, we re waiting foway r. a double standard there. yeah, a little double standard where they put the daughters, you know, i
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