this animosity towards hime will be they will continuethey d to look at his words the way they did to trump. and now, you knoo trump now. hi this is true because they called him a bigot. and this is exactly what happenes is d in trump. it s like when the b-word or the r word comes out, then you know, you know, they re scared oow, youf him bee that s what they did to trump. but, you know, they got to take rfk seriously becaus to take e. who else you got? you got a babbling goofball as a vinp. rfk says provocative stuff, but this is america free speech.. that s all he s got to say. you do disagree with him. you don ree with himt like freef speech. look at my deeds. and that s exactly what why why trump was a good president and why people like trump took aways the obnoxiousness of some of the things he said. thin. good jo right theres he he did.eani he did a good jessica, why is it that is it the democrats all of a sudden have this totalitarian instinct to shut people dowtariann,