cnn members and mitt and msnbc s we spent 95% of their airtime covering donald trump s arraignment. think about the build up over the weekend to. by now, you ve expect the media to have learned how to cover donald trump and his family. but that s the exact opposite of what happened after the president left the courthouse. he stopped by a famous cuban cafe in miami on his way out. cnn, like most networks, took trump s cafe visit live for most networks and certainly producers. his surprise stop is a godsend. after all, how exciting are plane landings, suv caravans, courtroom sketches, but not cnn . this unscripted moment where average voters, as you see right here, show affection and enthusiasm. a human side to president, 45, would not be covered. they would not allow it. watch. donald trump is charged with a series of federal felonies for mishandling the most sensitive government documents that we have. and for obstruction of justice, along with wall nada, who is charged wit
be a jockey? i care that that hurts. i feel i can play defensivfeeli line. you can be a defensive line coach, right? you know, i m saying there s plusesyo a defen and minuses to being plus size. and one of the minuses is if you wantg plus s to travel, rige up your money. right. it s not your fault to pay for saver faul. 7 i wore a size 17 shoe. you were a size three.u shel is off the shelf anywhere special or mine. so should you have to buy buy my shoes? no. you could though, because you haveshoes? like, 17 jobs.u e i even forgot my question. yeah, all right. that s how. that s. 1 forgot mquestioni think for then you know, i think that at home people are saying weythingom shw more for cable. that s how that s how it been where i kno thiw a lot of people call their cable companies can we get a pulitzer for this? so i thinka pu for not. yeah, not in real time. but we could enter it in.t here yes. a pen remember, you heard it here first. i need a padded envelope and a vcr tape becau