The coalition launched the first stage in its judicial overhaul. The process by which the amendment to the Basic Law: The Judiciary was passed, releasing the government and its ministers from the duty to act with reasonableness, is the best possible evidence for what we can now expect.
This is what a regime that aims to destroy democracy and seize power for itself looks like. This is what the changes to come could look like. Now it’s up to us.
Each year, I try to think of how to depict Memorial Day in Israel in a way that's meaningful and juxtapose it in relation to how it's observed in the US. Many thoughts race through my head. And each year. I see Memorial Day through a different prism. This year's prism is through adopting a
Yoav Kisch to appoint one member of board of directors and one of audit committee, hails 'new era for National Library'; reports say government caved to pressure from major donors