The first served in the early 19th century and left no likenesses behind. The second. Is eliot spitzer. Every day in every state across the country, our political system is bankrolled by an army of fundraisers, pulling in millions of dollars a race. Sometimes it looks like you might imagine knocking on doors, calling every name in the phone book, and emailsso many emails. But for all those little fish throwing 100 to their local race, its the whales those Campaign Fundraisers really need powerful, rich individuals and companies. And when they donate 25,000, 100,000, a million dollars, they want a favor. Or 10. It should be obvious thats corrupt, but with a wink and a nod, political deals toe the bribery line every single day. And we may never have noticed that if a certain illinois governor hadnt flung back the curtain with an unrepentant ego, a political corruption crime spree, and a set of unprecedented Audio Recordings that shined a bright light on the inner workings of american pol
Ive got this thing, and its [bleep] golden. Yeah. [audience laughter] and im not just giving it up for [bleep] nothing. [laughter] was there a second [bleep] in there . Tapper racking up a staggering 24 criminal charges, governor blagojevichs actions essentially boiled down to four things extortion, bribery, corruption, and wire fraud. And it wasnt just about the senate seat. Blagojevich was also found guilty of extorting a Childrens Hospital. You cant write this stuff. Hes an arrogant punk who thinks that, you know, hes bulletproof. Well, hes not. He was convicted on 18 total charges and sentenced to 14 years, the longest sentence ever handed down to a governor. People loathed blagojevich for the way he politicked, but was what he did so blatantly criminal . cause the truth is that the line between whats illegal and whats allowable is much murkier than wed like to think, and this is where the Rod Blagojevich story gets interesting. Let me reassert to all of you once more that i am not
one of the most exclusive clubs in the country has a brand-new member tonight, but it s not a club you d actually want to belong to. tonight, on laura coates live. with apologies to the sound of music how do you solve a problem like george santos. no surprise i think they may have cracked a nut voting today to kick him out of congress. what s his response? why do i want to stay here? to hell with this place, i m quoting him, the epitome of you can t fire me, i quit from the now ex-congressman who yesterday refused to resign while wearing ferragamo shoes and arriving in a jaguar. i point that out because some of the receipts that came in the ethics report. now he s joining a pretty exclusive club, no, not the college volleyball team, this is a really exclusive club with only five members. well, now they have a sixth. the only six members who have ever been thrown out of congress in the 234-year history, and let me tell you, they are a regular, well, rogues gallery might b
Wall. Mexico will pay for the wall. I think theyll end up being happy to do so. The wall just got 10 feet higher. We love it. We are going to build the wall. It will be a real wall. A real wall. Who is going to pay for the wall . Mexico. Who . Mexico. The back and forth between boss and top kick on the president S Immigration position has not help Congressional Republicans get any closer to a deal that would solve the daca problem and keep the government opened. If no deal is reached there will be a shutdown of the government tomorrow at midnight. Casey hunt on capitol hill gives us the update. I did talk about baby food because this Chief Of Staff talks about the president as this Cartoon Character that has to be made into a person by
language about haiti and africa. So what you have now is a Democratic Party thats bg been given a rational for this potential shutdown, the brew ha over the last week has energized their base and made it easier for democrats to say we cant work with this
class= nosel > all russian and soviet dictators, their problem is they always think that they re the last line of defense. you are in power. you have the right to, if you decide, to destroy it so nobody else will get it. the united states doesn t even notice that the soviets are on edge. they didn t even put the soviet reaction into ronald reagan s presidential daily brief. [indistinct radio chatter] [narrator] before andropov can act, the able archer operation wraps up on schedule. [pilot] roger that. [narrator] andropov is finally persuaded that this really was just an exercise. this time. [tim] the united states didn t know to ratchet down the tension when it really mattered. that is an indicator of just the lack of understanding that the united states and the soviet union had of each other. but in a nuclear confrontation, lack of understanding can have catastrophic consequences when adversaries have nuclear weapons pointed at each other and don t understand each other. e