d w. germany. you ve gotten this mtv and channel television right here in the area . i am chris, lives with me is my charming colleague, income follow? hello chris, on a big hello to all of us there. thank you for joining us. i in center 3. nobody at is always or is how interesting all lined up for you to learn from. and also enjoy . so here is a quick look at what we have for you today. how a startup instant easier is providing access to clean water. why a designer from the netherlands, pretty full of funny chip. and why people in the city are obsessed about you down in the region. shocking youth, but through each year, floods effect nearly $50000.00 people in uganda. living many dead on to thousands displaced the flood water course. the country over $60000000.00 us dollars a year, according to the was bank. so what can be done to help? we paid a visit to western uganda where people are planting bamboo to help protect themselves on the communities from flooding. the de seedl
chris, lives with me is my charming colleague, income follow? hello chris, on a big hello to all of us there. thank you for joining us. i and number 3, nobody at is always or is how interesting all lined up for you to learn from. and also enjoy. so here is a quick look at what we have for you today. how a startup instant easy it is providing access to clean water. why a designer from the netherlands, pretty full of funny chip. and why people in the to, to are obsessed about and you down in the region shocking use but true. each year. floods effect nearly 50000 people in new gander. living many dead on the 1000, displaced the flood water course. the country over $60000000.00 us dollars a year, according to the was bank. so what can be done to help? we paid a visit to western uganda where people are planting bamboo to help protect themselves on the communities from flooding. the de seedlings will grow fast in a few months time. the bumble will be twice as tall, allowed to move,
i have chris lives with me is my charming colleague, income follow? hello chris, on the a. be hello to all of us there. thank you for joining us. i in center 3, no video. and as always, always interesting. good. all lined up for you to learn from on to also enjoy. so here is a quick look at what we have for you today. how a start of indonesia is providing access to clean water y, a designer from the netherlands, pretty full of furniture. and why people in the city are obsessed about and down in the region. shocking youth. but through each year, floods effect nearly $50000.00 people in uganda. living many dead on to thousands displaced the flood water course, the country over $60000000.00 us dollars a year. according to the was bank. so what can be done to help? we paid a visit to western uganda where people are planting bamboo to help protect themselves on their communities from flooding. the de seedlings will go fast in a few months. the bumble will be twice as tall, allowed
d w. germany. you ve gotten this mtv and channel television right here in the area . i am chris, lives with me is my charming colleague, income follow? hello chris, on a big hello to all of us there. thank you for joining us. i in center 3, nobody at is always or is how interesting all lined up for you to learn from and also enjoy. so here is a quick look at what we have for you today. how a startup intermediate is providing access to clean water. why a designer from the netherlands, pretty full of furniture and why people in the city are obsessed about you down in the region. shocking use, but through each year, floods effect nearly $50000.00 people in uganda. living many dead on the 1000 displaced the flood water course. the country over $60000000.00 us dollars a year, according to the was bank. so what can be done to help? we paid a visit to western uganda where people are planting bamboo, to help protect themselves on the communities from flooding island to move. he made
between south africa, endless soto but 1st bought and then thrown away. the chilean desert is a dumping ground for old clothes with cheap, easy to buy, worn briefly or not, a told then thrown away. this kind of consumption creates mountains of textile waste. but it s actively encouraged by the fast fashion industry. some produces based up to $24.00 different collections per year. since 2000 global clothing production has doubled every year to an annual total of $100000000000.00 items. the fashion industry also emits more than $1200000.00 tons of c o 2 per year. more than global air and ship travel combined. and yet 4300000 tons of cost of closing land in the trash or even far away in the chilean destiny were in the auto comp desert in northern chile. this is where the global fashion industries, discarded clothing ends up. locals are taking us to the dumb site, past informal settlements, where mainly migrant workers live in makeshift huts without electricity. we drive past the