moment and michael i was listening to the great slate podcast on watergate right now called slow burn and they re going back through and one of the things is actually tracking the arc of that story is unfurled in realtime. it s not until july of 73 which is a year after the break-in basically that they even learn of the taping system, the taping system s sitting there for the entirety of the first years of the administration, it s not a secret, there are people who know this and they don t get to it. investigators don t get to it until a year after the break-in and i heard that, there may be a lot we still don t know. yeah. what s striking to me is first, how much we ve learned since a year ago, you go back to early january, i have nothing to do with russia, that was trump s line and then we learn about the kizly yack/flynn meeting, we learn about trump tower and papadopoulos, how much we learn