Multi-game offline fighting game events are finally starting to pick up steam once more, and there's a sizable one going down this weekend.Kumite in Tennessee 2021 is now underway bringing together some of the best competitors across the .
Mortal Kombat X Lives early results, stream ft. SonicFox, Hayatei, NinjaKilla, Grr, SylverRye, ForeverKing, PerfectLegend, Tweedy, Infinitii and more
Update: This story is being updated with live results as they occur.
We have another Twitch Rivals-sponsored event in collaboration with Maximilian going on this weekend which focuses on one of the most brutal fighting games in the scene today.
The players participating are EG|SonicFox, Hayatei, NinjaKilla, Grr, SylverRye, ForeverKing, PerfectLegend, Tweedy, Infinitii, Deoxys, Rewind, Kitana Prime, Semiij, Shujinkydink, Big D, 2eZ, MFSlayer, CamIsBlack, MrAquaman, StarCharger, DestroyerFGC, DeadlyXRebel, RevetLeafing, UnbearableSkill, UnRooolie, Llumiya, Smashh702, RagnarokFGC, IGLDaddyDab, x88MKX, InfiniteSGE and vBABYv.