have increased in the last few days were a week away yet again from a potential no deal brecht s and germany could in at least a year as well we could certainly see more pressure from the e.u. in the case of a note that we could see the e.u. putting more pressure on islands to implement the to install some physical infrastructure there on the boards of but of course this isn t something that as we heard there from moscow that it s been taken lightly germany as a country of course is all too familiar with the danger of of borgias and at the same time echoed made it care as well during her visit to ireland yesterday that she wants to or she wants to see the e.u. as a whole being able to protect the integrity of the single market while also being able to protect the good friday peace agreements or this is going to be very very difficult but merkel did say yesterday we will simply have to be able to do this now how that would actually be realized is
in the students are from immigrant households. quote: now this cannot help but to create significant challenges for schools often in areas already struggling to educate students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. joining us now is a man behind the study, steve camerota from the center of immigration stud tells you. steve people are going to say the fact that we re talking about this is mean spirited and it s an at this hispanic and i would say we re calling you on your you know what if you say that. this is about kids and learning and the wonders of america. so what do the public education folks they don t seem it care about this? they don t seem to understand the enormity of the problem?
next year, as the federal reserve speak for how many interest rates they have priced in for the next year. i m not sure they will do that. charles: you think this impacts the mid-terms or do you think maybe this is because of the anxiety over who wins the mid-terms? some of it. i think the primary thing is interest rates and tech growth; however, it s a little related to mid-terms, because there is an underlying fee with raising rates going on the discovery debt is now an issue again and interest rates payments are going up and what we re seeing from both sides is their re-election plans are both plans to make the deficit worse. you re either getting let s do more tax cuts or let s do mix it care for all, basic income for everybody those are plans on top of what s going on now isn t going to work. charles: memo to everybody, until either one learns how to stop spending money, yeah, that s going to be a ticking time bomb. thank you all very much. well the markets trying to work thei
and i drove up further and i seen the gentleman sprawled out with blood all over. we stopped and rendered aid. they don t know if the shooting was targeting random or road rage. a few people may have witnessed the attack and police are looking at the surveillance video. our homicide detectives are interviewing people. there is a lot of cameras we are hoping to get footage. he was a well-known cardiologist. one of his patients president george h. w. bush who is spokesman issued this statement. mark was a good man. the president said in a statement i will will always be grateful for his exceptional compassion it care his family is in our prayers. a hospital spokesman said not only was he revered by patients but he was highly regarded among peers and colleagues. he was recently rentalsed as a superdoctor.
no, in no one s view has he pulled that off. republicans with control of the white house, control of the house and senate, have royally failed on the campaign promise. thank god. many americans depend on this, need this. many people who are new enrollees in obamacare actually live in trump states. let s talk about what the individual mandate does because it s very clear the president of the united states doesn t even know what obama it care is. it s actually less than 3% of the total cost of obamacare. even more specific it only deals with the people in the individual markets which only encompass about 6% of the people who are covered by obamacare. the fact of the matter covered through medicaid expansion, have the subsidies in place, still have those, necessities that have to be covered by insurance companies also known as pre-existing conditions. we have the fundamental tenets of obamacare. i will tell you this, democrats understand obamacare needs to be fixed. we understand market