There’s no right or wrong answer to this question since it entirely depends on the other person’s settings. If the person has their settings on “Everyone,” then anyone who follows them will be able to see their Snaps. However, if they’ve set their settings to “My Friends,” then only people who they’ve added as friends […]
It’s no secret that Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms among young people today. With its unique features and fun filters, it’s easy to see why so many people love using the app. But one thing that Snapchat users may not be aware of is that there is a way to […]
The popular social media app Snapchat has recently updated its interface, and some users are concerned about the disappearance of the pink heart emoji that indicated a “best friend” on the app. While the new interface does away with the best friend feature, there are still ways to see who your most-snapped friends are.Snapchat is […]
When you first open Snapchat, you are asked to create a username. Your username is how other people will find you on the app, and it’s also how you’ll be identified in your friends’ contact lists. Below your username, you may see some icons. These are called Snapchat Trophies, and they’re based on certain activities […]
If you want to change the fire streak on Snapchat, you need to go to the settings page and then click on the “Manage” option. From there, you will be able to see the “Fire Streak” option. Tap on it and then select the “Change” option. You will then be able to enter the new […]