Actress Geetanjali Mishra, who plays 'Rajesh' in the sitcom 'Happu Ki Ultan Paltan', urged everyone to make mental well-being a top priority, and said a healthy mind is the foundation of strong physical well-being.'World Mental Health Day' is .
Actress Geetanjali Mishra, who plays 'Rajesh' in the sitcom 'Happu Ki Ultan Paltan', urged everyone to make mental well-being a top priority, and said a healthy mind is the foundation of strong physical well-being.'World Mental Health Day' is .
Actress Geetanjali Mishra, who plays 'Rajesh' in the sitcom 'Happu Ki Ultan Paltan', opened up on her fitness routine, encouraging everyone to prioritise healthy eating habits to support overall well-being, and ensure proper hydration for a .
Geetanjali Mishra, who plays 'Rajesh' in the sitcom 'Happu Ki Ultan Paltan', opened up on her fitness routine, encouraging everyone to prioritise healthy eating habits to support overall well-being,