Mumbai: 80-year-old punished 38 years after lie about bank lockers
ByRebecca SamervelRebecca Samervel / Updated: May 5, 2021, 08:16 IST
(This story was first published in the Times of India on May 5, 2021)
Mumbai: In a case the
court termed “unique”, 38 years after a now 80-year-old Nepean Sea road resident was booked for lying to
Income Tax officers by claiming that his family had no bank lockers when in fact he had one in his name and two in his wife’s name, a
magistrate court recently convicted and sentenced him to imprisonment until the rising of the court.
In such a sentence, the convicted accused has to sit in court until the day’s proceedings conclude. The court rejected the defence submissions that bank lockers are usually looked after by wives and they are aware of the transactions.