deborah bradley now says that she was blacked out. so she doesn t remember what she does. she doesn t remember what she did. so there is a very good chance that she made the phone call because somebody did, and i think there is some irony here that all three phones were taken in the wake of this. you know, failure to admit you made a phone call, but she s drunk, and by her claim blacked out. megyn: could it support the intruder theory? she says she was drunk, passed out, a sleep in the bedroom at 12:00 according to her. this guy jersey, this homeless guy who the police say looked at and moved on from but won t say he s been cleared, a homeless guy in the area, here he is in court arrested on other charges. maybe he comes through. maybe at 12 he finds the cellphone he takes a call to his ex-girlfriend megan wright, it was her phone. a neighbor spots a bald guy with a baby or so they claimed just a couple doors down from the irwin
and we ve been having them in succession. we are having a debate tonight. our next fox debate is in seiu city, iowa on december 15th. this is the time in which the winnowing process begins. megyn: who has the most to lose. we ve been watching among others rick perry in each of these debates and they have not been good for his campaign. his campaign has ticked up a two notches as he has gone with ads on the airways. reporter: he needs to have another performance in which he steps up. the last one arguably his supporters will say he performed well and he got on the board, and he was aggressive, but he ll have to have a performance that people come away saying, this guy has changed my opinion of him, at least in iowa, because he s looking to pick up possibly voters who may be leaving herman cain. again, we haven t seen that yet in the polls, but as these stories continue, and as his campaign has had to deal with all these allegations, the tkpwoeg bet and analysis is that event
the picture. so i think the fable of the ghost intruder who left no dna, no fingerprints is yesterday s news. i believe that was what they investigated and they ve moved on to interviewing the siblings, reinterviewing the participants. megyn: mark fuhrman told me something interesting, and you actually have been on the job investigating cases for years. he says most criminals are stupid. they re dumber than you think. absolutely. megyn: and so when you go to a house to investigate something like this, nine times out of ten there will be fingerprints, the guy won t be smart enough there d be some evidence that a guy broke into the house and stole the baby, so they ll dust for fingerprints on the crib or the doorknob, or there ll be some evidence on the window sill it s almost impossible not for it to happen. megyn: so the cops would know if there s an intruder in all likely hood at this point. extreme. statistical probability would support something would have been left, an ey
on, do you agree that usually the case when there s an intruder, something is left behind? 99.9. megyn: wow. yes. megyn: the police say one of the things they want to do in interviewing the boys is get dna swaps because i guess they want to rule out dna they found in the house? yes. i d say what they call elimination dna. 34 days later they still haven t interviewed the siblings? this is troubling. it s implausible, it s illogical, and it s unreasonable. all the elements of this fable of the ghost intruder who went through the skinny window and lev stated the baby out levitated the baby out. all of a sudden missouri is a bastion for babies for sale? megyn: well, there doesn t have to be a bastion for it, but couldn t it be possible that somebody either with a deal with the parents or without decided that this baby girl would be worth something and decided to sell her, and she is out there right now with someone who purchased her or thought they
in about 30 minutes when we get into pat what the police have just told us with respect to the three so-called eyewitnesses who claim that they saw a man with a baby leaving or around the vicinity of the irwins house on the night in question. we just have new information in to america live on that. we ll share that with you when we get into pat, 30 minutes away. the administration is on the verge of a decision that could bring 20-50,000 new jobs to the united states. it involves an oil pipeline project that also means new energy from a close ally, but we are now learning that the president could put this off for more than a year, put off just the decision on whether to do it. why would he want to do that? lou dobbs has the answers next. and a group of occupy d.c. ralliers try to storm the defending the american dream summit. some organizers from the conservative group say when they called 911 for protection, all they got was a dial tone. we ll investigate.