Equine veterinarians Sophie Eaden and Kirstie Pickles talk about the role mental health first aid can have in embracing a practice culture that is supportive of good mental health.
Horsetalk.co.nz Hot under the collar: Risks of horse halters highlighted in British study
The authors noted that there is no recognised safety standard for headcollars. Image by congerdesign
Horse injuries related to the wearing of headcollars were reported by nearly a third of horse owners surveyed as part of a British study.
David Marlin and his colleagues, writing in the journal
Equine Veterinary Education, noted that headcollars, also known as halters, are among the most commonly used pieces of equestrian equipment.
“Despite this, there appears to be minimal information on their use, or more importantly, risk factors for injury of horses/handlers,” they said.