CAPITAL REGION, N.Y. â On Tuesday, May 18, school districts across the Capital Region held votes on budgets and school board elections. According to the New York State School Boards Association, New York voters approved 99.2% of school district budgets. We appreciate the many who turned out â in person or by absentee ballot â to approve local school budget proposals and elect school board members this year, NYSSBA Executive Director Robert Schneider stated. The high passage rate for proposed budgets is a welcome endorsement of spending plans that will strengthen our educational programs and restore some of the academic and student support services that were curtailed by the pandemic, Schneider continued.
It s been a crazy year. Many of us will have a stack of books next to our beds that has only grown higher in 2020. But it s almost time to kick back with a book. Here s the latest in our series about what Wellingtonians will be reading this summer.
University of Otago Professor of Public Health Michael Baker is part of the group which advised the Government on coronavirus.
Michael Baker, epidemiologist at Otago University, Wellington The book that is top of my reading list for the summer holidays is
The New Ships by Kate Duignan. I was given it for my birthday in July but I have not been able to fit in much recreational reading since then. I recently read Carl Shuker’s book