MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: January 26, 2021 767
Edmonds Historical Museum Director Katie Kelly, center, accepts a check from Salish Sea owner Jeff Barnett, right, as Edmonds resident and KIRO TV meterologist Nick Allard, left, looks on.
In what has become an annual tradition, Edmonds’ Salish Sea Brewing donated a check matching and slightly exceeding, by $2 the Edmonds Uplift Society’s $500 donation to the Edmonds Historical Museum. The Uplift Society usually donates its money in connection with the New Year’s Day Polar Plunge at Brackett’s Landing, but made a separate donation even though the Plunge was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a friendly competition, Salish Sea Brewing has routinely been adding a bit more to its donation to “exceed” the Uplift Society’s contribution.
By Staff | January 21, 2021 | 8:02am EST
Antifa activists smashed windows at Oregon s Democrat Party headquarters on Inauguration Day. (Photo: Screen capture)
( – The only violence on Inauguration Day came from the far left, and it happened in the usual places – Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington.
“Two events’ in Portland on Wednesday “resulted in property damage and arrests,” Portland police said, as anti-government and anti-fascist activists protested Joe Biden’s presidency.
Police said around 150 people marched to the headquarters of Oregon’s Democrat Party on Wednesday afternoon. “Some smashed windows and vandalized the building. Officers made eight “selective” arrests, with charges “ranging from felony criminal mischief, possession of a destructive device, riot.