From its exterior, the former Catholic church on Maple Street in Wilton looks much the same as when it was built.On the inside, however, many of the accouterments have been stripped, readying the space for its next life as an apartment building.Owner.
The Rindge Planning Board approved the site plan for a new classroom building for Heritage Christian School Tuesday night.Heritage Christian School is a nondenominational Christian private school which provides education for children in kindergarten.
The Jaffrey Planning Board approved five new self-storage buildings in the industrial park on Fitzgerald Drive Tuesday.Kirk Stenersen, presenting for the applicants, North Pine LLC, said the project would be located on a vacant, cleared parcel across.
MilliporeSigma is planning to reconstruct the western parking lot of its facility on Prescott Road after finding traffic and soil-settling issues.On Tuesday night, Lauren Swett, technical manager for engineering firm Woodard & Curran, met with the.
Voters in Rindge said no to a 10th full-time police officer position in the only monetary article not to pass at Tuesday’s polls.Of the 14 warrant articles on Rindge’s ballot, voters turned down five, with all of the failed articles submitted by.