They have no interest in fixing our broken immigration system. The president had a filibusterproof majority in his first two years and did not bother to introduce an immigration bill even though he had plenty of time to push obamacare. To the president and mrs. Clinton, immigration is about dividing america by injecting ethnic and racial politics into this debate. Not doing right by struggling workers. Immigration is another example of how mrs. Clinton has abandoned the millions of americans want the opportunity to work and to provide for themselves and their families by using divisive identity politics to gain more power. What i will be proposing today is in direct contrast to mrs. Clintons vision. My proposal says workers of all races, genders, ethnicities, that you are welcome to an america that will provide you an opportunity to rise if you work hard and obey the law. My proposal is based on hope and opportunity, not fear and bigotry. The establishment i might add, the big Business
The way she taught us to be our whole lives. There were no deathbed confessions. Every grievance had been aired, every problem had been talked about. Most importantly, i knew that she loved me, and she knew that i loved her. There was nothing else left to say. So i got up, i kissed her on the forehead and i said ok mom, im going to work. She said, good boy. And i left. That afternoon, she went into a coma, and three days later she died. It was literally last conversation i had with my mother. I had no regrets about it, not at all because she lived her life and taught me to live my life in a way that ended for her in the right way. In a place of peace. So, as one of the most psychoanalyzed politicians in america like when i said get the hell off the beach or sit down and shut up. People ask why does he say those things . You now know, it is her. [laughter] [applause] its her. You know now. She taught me to be that way. And i know that if she were still alive today to see this, to see th