In his lecture, Dr. Kirill Martynov will speak of the role of media and technology in the evolution of the Russian political system that led to the invasion of Ukraine and crackdown on civil society. He will then elaborate on the ethical implications of these changes. Speaker: Dr. Kirill Martynov, Political Philosopher and Journalist Moderator: Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger Full Professor of Theological Ethics and Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE, Faculty of Theology, University of Lucerne Location: University of Lucerne, Lecture Room 9 - Carl Spitteler Auditorium (situated in 1.UG) Program: 18.15h Door Opening 18.30h Public Lecture 19.00h Discussion 19.30h End of Event EthicsImpulse at the Institute of Social Ethics ISE: Moral questions and ethical challenges reside at the center of the “EthicsImpulse” series, which aims to promote a public discussion on ethical questions and moral themes. This “EthicsImpulse” is exceptionally held in English. https://www.un
The Ukrainian leader wants the German chancellor and president to meet him in Kyiv on May 9, when Russia celebrates its victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. DW has the latest.