Martial Simon, a New York City mentally ill homeless man charged in January’s Times Square subway shoving that killed Deloitte consultant and Asian American woman Michelle Alyssa Go, was deemed unfit for trial and was remanded into state psychiatric custody until further notice Tuesday.
Simon Marital, 61, has been released into the custody of the Department of Mental Health and Hygiene until he can be deemed fit for trial and will stay in a facility
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During Pandemic Peak, Psychiatric Patients Were Rushed Into Institutions
Plastiras would not say how many transferred patients had COVID-19 at the time, nor provide information on patients ages.
As New York State hospitals began to fear the worst last spring that the pace of the coronavirus would overtake their ability to discharge patients and clear beds they had to decide what to do with people being admitted for acute psychiatric care.
ALBANY Overtime costs at state agencies in New York increased 5.5% last year as COVID-19 put some departments into high gear to address the pandemic, record
Joseph Spector
USA TODAY Network New York State Team
ALBANYÂ â Overtime costs at state agencies in New York increased 5.5% last year as COVID-19 put some departments into high gear to address the pandemic, records showed.
Overtime surged in particular at the state Department of Labor as it grappled with an unprecedented rise in unemployment claims last year. Overtime jumped nearly $25 million in 2020 at the labor department compared to 2019, accounting for 56% of the total overtime increase at state agencies last year.
Additionally, 15 state workers each raked in more than $150,000 in overtime last year â in most cases more than doubling their base salaries, the records from the state Comptroller s Office obtained by the USA TODAY Network New York through a Freedom of Information request showed.