The Ropar police have arrested mining contractor Rakesh Chaudhary here today. The police said Rakesh was apprehended from near Maharaja Ranjit Singh Bagh in Ropar. Many documents have also been taken in possession by the police from the office of Chaudhary.
The mining mafia in the neighbouring state of Haryana is under scanner after the murder of a senior police officer. Such mafia, however, has already played havoc with ecology as well as infrastructure in Ropar district. In fact, successive governments, instead of reining in the mafia, have preferred
I am sharing my first experience on Team-BHP so feeling a bit nervous. I am remembering Lord Ganesha to give me the strength and the words to spill my heart out. Team-BHP has given me a lot and this
This is a travelogue about my recent solo trip to Himachal. I will try and make this log as useful as possible, with route details. The write up may contain errors, jokes, etc. - please do not take