Walking on a razor's edge, laughing into the wind like some kind of kamikaze “Hey, y’all! Watch this!” good ole boy on too much acid, there wasn’t much of anything Mojo Nixon wouldn’t do.
The uproarious singer of "Elvis is Everywhere," "Don Henley Must Die" and other proudly left-of-center numbers, the former San Diego music mainstay launched a presidential bid in 1988 with the slogan 'Put another Nixon in the White House!'
The uproarious singer of 'Elvis is Everywhere' and 'Don Henley Must Die' launched a presidential bid in 1988 with the slogan 'Put another Nixon in the White House!'
The uproarious singer of 'Elvis is Everywhere' and 'Don Henley Must Die' launched a presidential bid in 1988 with the slogan 'Put another Nixon in the White House!'